Websites of interest

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Here are just a few links to websites I think might be of interest.

Feel free to discover them.

I'm confident that you might find some of them interesting.
TiltSoft - Scientific Advice and Software.

My cross-platform native software development company.

If that were not enough, it also specializes in volcano monitoring software development, scientific software development, data acquisition, analysis,
presentation... and scientific advice.
Embarcadero - Programming languages.

For developers and geeks.
Here are some very good development tools, made and
maintained by professionals.
Portland, OR

Well I just love the place, so I Promote it
Eroll Graphics - The Art Of Structure

A designer publishing wonderful technical
artwork. Particularly loved his Portland
Bridges art work...
Montem Outdoor Gear

If you're an outdoor person, you can learn about an essential principle: the leave no trace principle.
Columbia Sportswear

Being Portland-based, I couldn't refrain from advertising for them.
Should you visit Portland, go to the factory outlet on Tacoma St.
USGS Geological Survey
The people protecting you from natural disasters, and actually providing you with maps. You know, from the Government.
Cascades Volcano Observatory
The volcano observatory monitoring the West coast volcanoes in the US. They are the wonderful team monitoring Mt St Helens.
[French] - Florian Rochat A writer friend of mine, who I guided into freeing himself from publishers and become self-published in the eBook world.
[French] - American Poliphony blog.
A wonderful blog from a Swiss journalist, where you will find a lot of sharp analysis and American literature recommandations.
©1994-2025 Steve Jordi - Updated November 18, 2024

I do not collect any kind of information from your computer. I just present mine.